The anime adaptation revolves around a young boy named Faiya Orega who loves Oreca competitions. One day, he is granted the power to summon real Oreca monsters due to the mysterious powers of the treasure chest Pandora. To protect the peace of the Oreca world, Faiya must fight the demon king who threatens the land.Country: South Korea
Genre: Drama
When Masaharu Kameyama returned to Japan after spending two years in Scotland learning how to make whisky he brought back with him Ellie a woman whom he met and married there. His parents in Hiroshima are shocked to see this blonde woman arrive as their new daughter in law. Masaharus mother Sanae in particular refuses to accept the marriage but Masashi his father is more forgiving even...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action ; Adventure ; Fantasy
Forty-two years after her first visit in Tokyo Mothra returns to warn mankind that they must return Mechagodzilla along with Godzillas bones to the sea for the dead must not be disturbed. If not dire consequences will follow. However Godzilla is once again on the rampage and Mechagodzilla is Japans only...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama
37-year-old Hasumi Rika is the customer centre supervisor at a medium-sized mail order company. Her father has passed away and because her younger sister married first she lives in the family home with her mother. She has always thought to herself that it is her part to look after her mother Tomoko in her old age. One day Rika is invited by her yoga instructor Kiyota Etsuko to attend a marriage...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Comedy ; Drama
Jeong Do-man is a low-ranking traffic cop whose tendency to do things by the book sometimes gets him in trouble such as when he pulls over his new boss newly instated police chief Lee Seung-man and issues him with a traffic ticket. Though surprised and annoyed by the unexpected fine the police chief has bigger problems; the town of Sampo has been hit by a string of bank robberies and to...
Country: Japan
Genre: family
Ryota Tsuboi Hiroshi Abe is a producer for a CM production company. His wife Sae Tomoko Yamaguchi is a food stylist. She is also enthusiastic about her daughter Moes education and her work. Their only child Moe is affectionately called furodo because she claims to see a fairy. Meanwhile Ryota has a timid personality and because of this has difficulties fitting in at home and work....
Country: China
Genre: Drama
In Chinese teaches English-speakers how to speak Mandarin in short concise episodes. From small talk like the weather all the way up to renting an apartment In Chinese gives English speakers a comprehensive look into one of the most complex languages in the world. Viewers can learn about pronunciation and Chinese characters as well as culture and customs. Set in Shanghai this series is a...
Country: Japan
Genre: drama ; human
After being deceived by her colleague and thrown into a huge debt Kaoru decides to join the Koshimizu Management Consultant. She solves problems that neither the police nor lawyers want to dabble...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Drama, medical
25-year-old Arimura Akari graduated from the local nursing school in Funabashi City Chiba Prefecture and works for the hospitals geriatric ward. When she became a nurse she wanted to be of help to others and appreciated by those people she helped. But in the course of slaving away for a meagre salary over the past four years Akari would rather quit and get married quickly. Then she gets the...