Genre: Documentary
Uranium – Twisting the Dragons Tail is a new documentary series exploring the incredible story of uranium from its creation in an exploding star to its deployment in nuclear weapons nuclear power and nuclear medicine. Its a journey across nine countries and more than a century of stories to discover the rock that made the modern world. Its part science part history and all epic...
Genre: Drama
A three-year-old orphan is adopted by a German couple shortly after World War II. On his tenth birthday he is told that his mother a Yugoslav refugee is alive and wants him back. The case must be decided in court which must decide with whom the boy will be better...
Genre: Comedy
Jen Kirkman jokes about womens bodies meditation and a ghostly tour guide in her stand-up...
Genre: Horror
We follow a group of high school students with a twisted sense of fun. Instead of studying partying and worrying about who to take to the prom these teens get off on playing mean spirited pranks on anyone who crosses them. Soon their appetite for vengeance cannot be satisfied by childish tricks...