Country: Japan
Genre: Animation, Drama, Mystery, Thriller
A group of 30 young men and women go on a bus tour to Nanakimura a shadowy village with an urban legend of being a utopia. Upon arrival they discover the village has no inhabitants with small signs of life that are slowly deteriorating. The truth of Nanakimura has yet to be...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Action, Suspense, Romance , Anime
The series follows the exploits of Ryo Saeba a sweeper who is always found chasing beautiful girls and a private detective who works to rid Tokyo of crime along with his associate or partner Hideyuki Makimura. Their City Hunter business is an underground jack-of-all-trades operation contacted by writing the letters XYZ on a blackboard at Shinjuku Station. One day Hideyuki is...
Country: South Korea
Genre: School, Drama, Comedy, Romance
Storyline: Dream High tells the story of six students at Kirin Art High School who work to achieve their dreams of becoming music stars in the Korean music industry. Go Hye Mi is a student who had majored in classical music but has to give up her dream by entering Kirin Art High School to pay off her fathers debt. However she needs to get two other students to also come to the school in order...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Romance, Friendship
Storyline: Friend Our Legend is a drama adaptation of the 2001 gangster classic film Friend both by the same director Kwak Kyung Taek. This drama is a gritty brilliant star-studded tale of four childhood friends who grow up to become enemies and bitter rivals. Hyun Bin plays a hardened mobster; a role legendized by Jang Dong Gun in the...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Romance, Music
Storyline: Lee Shin is a university student majoring in modern music. He is also the vocalist and guitarist of the band The Stupid. Shin is known for his good looks and strong passion for music but in reality he is cold lacks interest in anything unrelated to music and has neither dreams nor plans for the future. He initially likes Jung Yoon Soo a dance professor at university but this all...
Country: United States
Genre: Fantasy, Horror, Thriller
Storyline: After a harrowing ride through the Carpathian mountains in eastern Europe Renfield enters castle Dracula to finalize the transferral of Carfax Abbey in London to Count Dracula who is in actuality a vampire. Renfield is drugged by the eerily hypnotic count and turned into one of his thralls protecting him during his sea voyage to London. After sucking the blood and turning the young...
Country: United Kingdom
Genre: Horror, Thriller
Storyline: In London 1872 - the final battle between Lawrence van Helsing and Count Dracula on top of a coach results in Dracula dying from a stake made from the remains of a wooden wheel. Lawrence dies from his wounds and as he is buried a servant of Dracula buries the remains of the stake by the grave and keeps a bottle of Draculas ashes and the ring. One hundred years later the colourful...