Country: United States
Genre: Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Storyline: In Missouri the forensic psychiatrist Cara Jessup rejects the theory of dissociated or multiple personalities and the prisoner of the death row Joseph Kinkirk has no remission from the governor and is sent to lethal injection. Cara is a widow that raises her daughter Sammy with the support of her brother Stephen Harding and Catholic that believes in God. Her father Dr. Harding...
Country: Australia
Genre: Horror, Thriller
Storyline: Anja and five friends join anthropology student Dace on a journey to study a remote ancient rock painting. Their excitement vanishes when Mel becomes delirious after skinny-dipping in the waterhole. Feverish bleeding confused she physically and mentally regresses to a vicious predatory state. Mel has gone primal. Mels lover and friends realize they are the prey as she savagely hunts...
Country: United States
Genre: Horror, Thriller
Storyline: In 1966 in North Bend Oregon the runaway Kristen is captured by the police after burning down a farmhouse and is locked in the North Bend Psychiatric Hospital. Kristen is introduced to Dr. Gerald Stringer who uses experimental therapy. Then she meets the inmates Emily Sarah Zoey and Iris and the tough nurse Lundt. During the night and in the shower later Kristen sees the ghost...
Country: Aruba, United States
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Thriller
Storyline: The deranged military and former CIA agent Dean Cage is in a rehab program trying to forget the traumatic loss of his best friend Scott in Bosnia. When he dates with his girl-friend and Scotts sister Detective Amy Knight in a dinning restaurant he is mistakenly taken as being the CIA agent that is investigating the robbery of the military experiment EX by a man called Sullivan. He...
Country: United States
Genre: Action, Thriller
Storyline: Unstoppable is a drama about a runaway train carrying a cargo of toxic chemicals. Puts an engineer and his conductor in a race against time. Theyre chasing the runaway train in a separate locomotive and need to bring it under control before it derails on a curve and causes a toxic spill that will decimate a...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Crime, Drama, Horror, Thriller
Storyline: Kyung-chul Choi Min-sik is a dangerous psychopath who kills for pleasure. He has committed infernal serial murders in diabolic ways that one cannot even imagine and his victims range from young women to even children. The police have chased him for a long time but were unable to catch him. One day Joo-yeon daughter of a retired police chief becomes his prey and is found dead in a...
Country: France
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Storyline: Two hundred and fifty years in the future life as we know it is threatened by the arrival of Evil. Only the Fifth Element can stop the Evil from extinguishing life as it tries to do every five thousand years. She is assisted by a former elite commando turned cab driver Korben Dallas who is in turn helped by Prince/Arsenio clone Ruby Rhod. Unfortunately Evil is being assisted by...
Country: United States
Genre: Horror
Storyline: Emily and Nate Weaver leave the city for the rural comfort of Nates family home in New Hampshire. There isolated and haunted by strange noises and horrifying visions Emily learns shes pregnant while Nate is possessed by the homicidal spirit of his forefathers. In a house haunted by past victims Emily learns that shes the latest target in a murderous...