A new anime that is based on the theme of the Pretty Rhythm series.Country: Hong Kong
Genre: Period Drama
The drama follows the lives of a large rich and influential Chinese family living in British Hong Kong during the 1920′s and 30′s a time when eastern and western cultures clashed and women began to fight for a position in society to change the traditions of a woman always coming second behind a man. Although wealthy and renowned barrister Chung Cheuk Man Damian Lau studied abroad in...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Entertainment
This unique K-pop music show thrills audiences with the most intimate interaction with their favorite stars. Formerly known as “The M-Wave” and “Wave K” the show is now known as “Simply K-pop” and features K-pop stars who perform on stage and interact with the audience throughout the show offering an up-close and personal experience unlike any other music program. The show is hosted...
Country: American
Genre: Short
In this 1937 short The Three Stooges are tailors who are massively in debt and try to solve their financial woes by capturing a fugitive bank robber for a large...
Country: Hong Kong
Sex or love which is more important? There are three female flat mates: Vivian Jo Kuk is frivolous; Kitty Rain Li is prim and proper; and Mei Wah starring Monie TUNG is ditsy. Through new experiences of love and sex they find themselves. Vivian is from a wealthy family who enjoys clubbing and socializing. Her life is wild and carefree but she meets Donald starring CHAN Fai Hung who is...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama
Shinobu Satomi Tori Matsuzaka works in the Mobile Investigation Unit of The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. The Mobile Investigation Unit conducts the initial investigation at all crime scenes. He works with Yuki Inokuma Fumino Kimura. They are a couple but they keep their relationship a secret at work. They both hope to work at the #1 Investigation Station. One day they meet...
Country: South Korea
Genre: action ; crime ; investigation
A drama about an investigation of a drug case by policeman Do Shin Woo who bring him meet his twin brother Do Eun Chang. It will tell the story about the tense brain play between two twin brothers whose fates changed in a day and the love and hatred between them which they have kept in their hearts so...
Country: Other Asia
Genre: Drama
The childhoods of Bernice Vice Ganda & Detty Ai-Ai Delas Alas were worlds apart but they did have one thing in common: their father. Bernices birth was the result of an infidelity on his behalf however and so while Detty grew up with a wealthy family Bernice and his mother were left to fend for themselves. Years later Bernice has become a wealthy and successful businessman the...