Country: South Korea
Genre: Drama
Comedy-Drama starring pop group TOKIOs Nagase Tomoya and rising female actor Takeuchi Yuko. Nagase stars as an icy-cool pop idol Sakuraba Yuuichiro who is actually a happy go-lucky smiling guy/idiot. After falling in love with Sakura Takeuchi trouble ensues after agreeing to marry into Sakuras family she only has 3 sisters. Of course more trouble follows trying to hide his marriage from...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Drama
Moyashimon follows Tadayasu Sawaki Yuichi Nakamura in his freshman year at an agricultural university. Tadayasu Sawaki possesses the unique ability to see and communicate with micro-organisms and bacteria...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Drama
Kuraki Hidetoshi Nishijima is a police superintendent. He lost his beloved wife in a bomb incident. Kuraki Detective Osugi Teruyuki Kagawa and Miki Yoko Maki from the Secret Police discovers the existence of contract killer Mozu a tragedy caused by a secret mission by public security and a scheme which shakes the nation. Miki also holds the key to solve bomb...
Country: Japan
Genre: Sci-Fi
A 12-episode mecha anime series that aired on TV Asahi in 2005. It detailed the lives of two pilots of special robots called jinki and the manipulation behind the scenes that drew them inexorably together in a final...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Drama
The 42nd NHK Taiga Drama is MUSASHI. Many Japanese history buffs are familiar with The Book of Five Rings written by Miyamoto Musashi in the 17th century. Musashis treatise on strategy and the way to lead instantly became the business executives bible when the translated version hit the bookstores more than three hundred years later. In 2003 the story of this legendary...
Country: United States
Genre: Animation, Action, Adventure
The further adventures of the Marvel Universes mightiest general membership superhero...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Drama
Ichikawa plays the part of Azusa the only child of the owner of a small female pro wrestling organization. After her father dies of illness she has to take over the business which is already losing money and is on the verge of shutting down. To make things worse their referee suddenly disappears on the day of one of their shows leaving behind only a resignation letter. The desperate Azusa...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Drama
Es un programa de música surcoreano perteneciente al canal KBS. Es transmitido los días Viernes a las 6:00 PM KST. Fue transmitido por primera vez desde el 16 de junio de 1998. K-Chart ganadores del primer lugar a partir del 2007.El show cuenta con la participación de algunos de los mas recientes y populares artistas.La tabla de ganadores se calcula mediante la combinación de las listas de...