The story is set in 2040 after a disaster happens in Tokyo in 2029. The main character Ken Ando joins up with a company designated to clean up Tokyo, called DC. After a mysterious robot begins attacking the DC cleanup crews, the organization starts a process of militarization with main character learning of the secrets it hides. The series was released domestically on dual language DVD by Geneon Entertainment.
It is loosely based on original characters and the Cybuster mecha from the video game series Super Robot Wars.
Country: Japan
Genre: Action
As Ash and his friends continue their journey to Sunyshore City they are attacked by a wild Magnezone. As they reach a near-by town they are informed by Officer Jenny that Magnezone and wild Metagross has suddenly appeared and is wreaking havoc throughout the town. As Pikachu and Pachirisu lead the Steel-types to the mountains using their Electric attacks the group meets up with Katsuzou a...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Fantasy, Magic, Shounen, Supernatural
This is the adaptation of the 2nd route of the popular visual novel: Fate/Stay Night. In this route Tohsaka Rin will be the major female character. Revelations about Shirou and his destiny will be...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Game, Shounen
Set a generation into the future Yu-Gi-Oh! GX revolves around a boy named Jaden Yuki as he begins his life at Duel Academy owned by Kaiba Corp. While running late for his entrance exams Jaden bumps into Yugi Muto the King of Games! Seeing a Duel Disk and deck Yugi thinks he must be a duelist Jaden confirms this as he says he’s on his way for his entrance exams for the Duel Academy. Yugi...
Country: Japan
Heavy Gear begins on a distant fictional planet called Terra Nova around 4000 Earth Standard Years from now 6132 AD. Terra Nova was once the crown jewel of the United Earth Government’s colonies however an economic collapse forced the Terran government to abandon Terra Nova and all its other colonies centuries before the period depicted in the game setting leaving Terra Nova in a dark...
Country: Japan
Jackie Chan an amateur archelogist would prefer to quietly do his work for the local university but fate has dealt another hand. That happens when he finds a shield containing a talisman is but the first of a dozen pursued by a criminal organization called The Dark Hand led a man called Valmont and guided by a spirit called Shendu. Against this Jackie his niece Jade and their uncle must...
Country: Japan
Jackie Chan an amateur archelogist would prefer to quietly do his work for the local university but fate has dealt another hand. That happens when he finds a shield containing a talisman is but the first of a dozen pursued by a criminal organization called The Dark Hand led a man called Valmont and guided by a spirit called Shendu. Against this Jackie his niece Jade and their uncle must...
Country: Japan
The Boondocks is a social satire of American culture and race relations or stereotypes in the world revolving around the lives of the Freeman family – ten-year-old Huey his younger brother eight-year-old Riley and their grandfather Robert. The Boondocks takes place in the same place and time frame as its comic counterpart. The Freeman family having recently moved from the South Side of...