Genre: Documentary
Ambulance is an observational documentary series that brings an unprecedented insight into Britains largest ambulance service the London Ambulance Service. They need to be ready to help the 8.6 million people of London because when the most serious emergencies strike they have only eight minutes to respond. With calls doubling in number over the past 10 years the nerve centre of the service...
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Drama
An alternate ending to Steins;Gate that leads with the eccentric mad scientist Okabe struggling to recover from a failed attempt at rescuing Kurisu. He decides to give up and abandons his...
Country: United Kingdom
Genre: Reality-TV
Initially an experiment in which real dates are filmed and then viewers get the chance to apply to date the unsuccessful participants the following week. Later this aspect was removed and replaced with a cast of regular restaurant...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Crime, Drama
Five years after surviving the all-out war between the Sanno and Hanabishi crime families former yakuza boss Otomo now works in South Korea for Mr. Chang a renowned fixer whose influence extends into Japan. A relatively minor incident causes tensions to rise between Chang Enterprises and the faraway powerful Hanabishi. The growing conflict gets out of hand and ignites a ferocious power...
Country: United States
Genre: Comedy
The parents of a soon-to-be married couple make the final preparations for the wedding...