Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Slice of Life
Enrico Pocchini is a kind-hearted schoolboy with a strong sense of justice who lives in the Italian town of Torino. As a new term starts he loses his beloved teacher Miss Delacci who is replaced by the stern Sr. Pelboni. Eventually the boys in Enricos class come to respect Sr. Pelboni and learn about love life and human...
Country: Japan
Genre: Fantasy
In spite of their defeat the remnant factions of the Taipingtao Revolution continue to resist plunging China into a seemingly never-ending war. Moreover the negative emotions left behind by the rebellions massive death toll begin to form miasma—giving birth to malignant beings called the wangliang. These creatures can possess humans and turn them into horrifying demons thus bringing...
Country: Japan
Genre: Mystery
Eccentric and blunt the walrus Hiroshi Odokawa lives a relatively normal life. He drives a taxi for a living and there he meets several unique individuals: the jobless Taichi Kabasawa who is dead-set on going viral the mysterious nurse Miho Shirakawa the struggling comedic duo Homo Sapiens and Dobu a well-known delinquent.But Odokawas simple way of life is about to be turned upside-down....
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy
The members of the Gourmet Guild—Yuuki Kokkoro Pecorine and Karyl—continue to scour the world in pursuit of their goal to seek out all delicious food in existence. However as their adventures progress the mysteries behind Yuukis memories Karyls allegiance and Pecorines heritage begin to come together—seemingly forming the truth that makes up the worlds very...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
In the far future a disaster known as the Rusty Wind has transformed the majority of Japan into a barren desert and left civilization in tatters. After his teacher falls prey to the rust the roguish Bisco Akahoshi embarks on journey through the sandy wastes to obtain a mushroom known only as the Rust Eater rumored to cure the ailment. Together with the dashing young doctor Milo the pair...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
In the far future a disaster known as the Rusty Wind has transformed the majority of Japan into a barren desert and left civilization in tatters. After his teacher falls prey to the rust the roguish Bisco Akahoshi embarks on journey through the sandy wastes to obtain a mushroom known only as the Rust Eater rumored to cure the ailment. Together with the dashing young doctor Milo the pair...
Country: United States
Genre: Game-Show, Reality-TV
Features celebrities as contestants competing in a battle of strategy wits and...