Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Dub, Fantasy, Kids, Magic, Super Power
It follows the story of a fairy named Mi who is sent to Planet Pandasia to warn the residents about a great evil that threatens to destroy Pandasia. She chooses a heroic panda named Toby to defeat Gold and Silver two villains who want to collect the seven Beans of Power and rid Pandasia of its colorful beautiful environment and replace it with a dark...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Romance, Family
To pursue her dreams Sakurai Kazumi Wakui Emi quits her job and goes to New York to study jewelry design against the objections of her naggy and stubborn but well-meaning father Takeda Tetsuya. As part of remaking herself she changes from spectacles to contact lenses even though she has problems adapting to them. When she accidentally drops her contact lenses a mysterious man helps...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Romance, melodrama
Korean auteur director Hong Sang-soo creates a cryptic romance shot beautifully in Black & White. The story captures a love triangle-like relationship between a filmmaker his enigmatic young female assistant and his friend is told twice with the second version retelling their affair in a different light. Soo-jung Lee Eun-ju is a Cable TV writer who is working with Young-soo Mun Seong-kun...
Country: Japan
Genre: Mystery
A detective who has been put on suspension due to a particular incident unfortunately meets a woman... This woman happens to be able to “see” things or in other words has a special ability called a “vision.” She is shaken by her ability that she had suddenly gained one day as she sees the images of murders... How did she develop this ability called “vision”!? What exactly is...
Country: Japan
Genre: Historical, Variety, Reality, Variety show, Cooking, Documentary, Food
Unbroken through the centuries since the Jomon Era the ancient holy places of the Tohoku Region of Japan provide awe-inspiring and breathtaking views and experiences for modern visitors. Nestled on Japan’s Honshu Island and known for its many volcanoes and mountainous terrain this historic region is where the spirit and rich culture of Japan collide with modern life. Experience the cultural...
Country: Japan
Genre: Animation, Action, Comedy
Silent apathetic yet mischievous 14-year-old Rokujou Miharu is the bearer of the hijutsu...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Comedy, Romance, Family
This drama tells the story of a TV series director Cha Yoon Hee Kim Nam Joo and a surgeon Bang Gwi Nam Yoo Joon Sang after they get married. Things get complicated when Yoon Hee meets her unreasonable mother-in-law Uhm Chung Ae Yoon Yeo...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Drama, Romance, Family
This drama features the women of three generations and people around them. Ma Ri grows up as a good teacher of this generation where there is no true mentor. Hyun Sook who has been a troublemaker realizes the love and support of her family. Kang Soon Ok regards herself as unlucky but later on realizes how happy she has been. How can you hold up when your life gets tough? You will figure it out...