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Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure Anime, Comedy Anime, Drama Anime, Magic Anime, Sci-Fi Anime
Comet 12 years old in human years is the princess of the Harmonica Star country and was to meet the prince of the Tambourine Star country at a ball where hed pick a bride. But he isnt there and so Comet is sent to Earth to find him. Hell be known by the starlight in his eyes. She finds the Earth and she loves the people she meets there. Meanwhile Princess Meteor of the Castanet Star...
Country: Japan
Genre: Magic Anime, Parody Anime, Special Anime
Promo-like shorts featuring Maria as a magical...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama Anime, Dub Anime, Romance Anime, Sports Anime
Keiko Himuro Chairman of the Kisuragi School puts together an all-girl baseball team led by Ryo Hayakawa daughter of a legendary pitcher in hopes of proving that girls can compete just as well as boys. Their goal: Koshien Stadium where only the best teams get the opportunity to...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action Anime, Comedy Anime, Dub Anime, Horror Anime, Shounen Anime, Supernatural Anime, Vampire Anime
When Hiro Hiyorimi tries to save a beautiful young woman from certain death he ends up a dead hero himself! However since the drop-dead girl is Hime daughter of the King of the Monsters his reward is to come back as a not-quite-living soldier in her honor guard of horror! That means helping fight off the army of supernatural monstrosities Himes siblings are unleashing against her in...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama Anime, Historical Anime, Shoujo Anime, Slice Of Life Anime
Sara a pretty girl born into a rich British family in India is treated like a little princess at a dormitory school in London. Saras sweet school life turns to tragedy when she learns of her fathers death and the familys bankruptcy. However Sara endures her hard luck with kindness and imagination and escapes from her misery through...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy Anime, Dub Anime, Magic Anime, Romance Anime, Shoujo Anime
In a fairy tale come to life the clumsy sweet and gentle Ahiru Japanese for duck seems like an unlikely protagonist. In reality Ahiru is just as magical as the talking cats and crocodiles that inhabit her town—for Ahiru really is a duck! Transformed by the mysterious Drosselmeyer into a human girl Ahiru soon learns the reason for her existence. Using her magical egg-shaped pendant...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy Anime, Dub Anime, Ecchi Anime, Romance Anime, School Anime, Seinen Anime
On the outskirts of Tokyo stands Hachimitsu Private Academy a storied all-girls boarding school for elite young women full of potential and good breeding. But as the new school year rolls around one tradition is going out the window: For the first time in the schools long history boys are being allowed to enroll. But on the first day of school only five boys make the cut. Kiyoshi Fujino...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action Anime, Dub Anime, Martial Arts Anime, Super Power Anime
A boy gets involved in an accident when in kindergarten horribly damaging his arm but the doctors somehow manage to save it. Now several years later his arm seems to be becoming the focus of strange events as it turns out to be more than a normal arm. Meanwhile a secret organizations is out to get hold of him and the power he...