Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Mystery, Drama
Habu Seiichi is a member of the mysterious outlaw group Avalanche. The group exists at a time when moral hazards run rampant among politicians bureaucrats businesses and even among ordinary...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Maruyama Mayumi is an OL who loves her job and has taken a liking to her manager Teiji Osamu who is strict about work and insists on knocking off on time. The two end up spending a night together after a drinking session with colleagues but Mayumi is flabbergasted when Osamu tells her the following morning that she should know what to do in the aftermath since they are both...
Country: Japan
Genre: School, Drama
Kuroki Kurodo was an extremely competent teacher at a prestigious cram school for the middle school entrance exam. He begins to work as the director of a cram school with poor performance. He declares that the students here will pass their middle school examinations. Kurodo states a cram school is a service business and the school is a place to sell childrens future to...
Country: Japan
Genre: Romance
This side story from Japan Sinks: People of Hope retells the story of the aspiring painter also a part-time waitress Ai who encounters the newly resident doctor Kiseki in her workplace; and a hidden message given from ones mysterious silhouette that changed both of their...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Family
Wada Yuu is 37-years-old. He has worked for a company the past 15 years but the COVID-19 outbreak caused the company to go bankrupt. He now makes a living as a deliveryman. One day while he is doing his job he meets his grandfather Wada Kan and stepfather Wada Shuhei for the first time in many years. When Yuu was 10-years-old his mother married Wada Shuhei but his mother later died....
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Medical
A worldwide pandemic causes the medical system to collapse across the world including Japan. Under this very difficult situation the best university hospital in Japan Totei University Hospital makes the decision to focus on infectious disease and internal treatments while postponing any noncritical scheduled surgeries. The hospital also faces a power struggle while dealing with the...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Romance, Life
Akaza Yukiko attends a high school for blind. She has amblyopia which causes her to recognize colors only vaguely and she can recognize large letters with a magnifying glass. When she walks outdoors she always carries a white cane. Nevertheless she has a bright personality. One day Yukiko happens to meet delinquent boy Kurokawa Morio. At first Yukiko doesn’t like him but she somehow gains...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Romance
27-year-old Ookado Akiha who vows to stay single gets a proposal to enter into a fake marriage from 30-year-old Momose Shuu who wants to get the status of a married man for some reason. Through living together as a fake couple their relationship gradually changes....