Country: United State
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance
A flamboyant English teacher Clive Owen and a new stoic art teacher Juliette Binoche collide at an upscale prep school. A high-spirited courtship begins and she finds herself enjoying the battle. Another battle they begin has the students trying to prove which is more powerful the word or the picture. But the true war is against their own demons as two troubled souls struggle for...
Country: United State
Genre: Family, Sci-Fi
Follows high school sophomores Mae Hartley and Gabby Harrison two tech-savvy best friends who devise a plan to create the perfect boyfriend with just a few strokes of the keyboard and a wireless connection. What Gabby and Mae dont realize is that the computer they use is set up to generate a robotic super soldier which they have inadvertently activated in the form of Albert a macho yet...
Country: Japan
Genre: Thriller
After killing a 7-year-old girl psychopath Kunihide Kyomaru turns himself in to the police. Since his victim was the daughter of one of the countrys richest men terminally ill billionaire Ninagawa who buys ads in all the major papers offering a hefty reward for anyone who kills Kunihide. There are a few caveats including a clause that the execution must be authorized by the government but...
Country: New Zealand
Genre: Adventure, History
Captain Frank Worsley signs on as Captain of the Endurance to navigate Sir Ernest Shackleton and his crew to Antarctica. When the expedition ship is crushed; Worsleys seamanship and navigational skills saves them...
Country: United State
Genre: Crime, Drama
Los Angeles 1958: a detective holes up in a downtown hotel awaiting killers to come get him. During the course of one night he will meet various occupants of the hotel and the truth of how he came to be in his present situation will be...