Country: South Korea
Genre: Asian Action Drama, Asian Adventure Drama, Asian Tokusatsu Drama
This will be both a film and a television series that serve as sequels to Yami o Terasu Mono. Wataru Kuriyama and Miki Nanri reprise their roles and are joined by new cast members among them is Masahiro Inoue. The film adaptation was released in theaters on March 28 2015 while the television series began broadcast on April 3...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Asian Sci-Fi Drama, Asian Tokusatsu Drama
Justirisers involves a group of three people who were given the power to transform and don the Justirisers battle suits powered by the Justicrystal which is sought by the forces of the Hadess Army under Kaizer...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Asian Tokusatsu Drama
One thousand years ago a war raged between humans and the demonic Org race. With the help of the Power Animals the ancient Gao Warriors were able to defeat the Orgs leader Hyakkimaru and seal the Orgs. Today the Orgs have begun to revive and five warriors have been chosen by the Power Animals. They must abandon their current lives and give up their names to become the new generation of...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Asian Tokusatsu Drama
Half a year after the downfall of Gorgom Kotaro Minami has gotten a job of a helicopter pilot in a business owned by the Sahara family. Kotaro is later captured by the Crisis Empire and offered a place in their group. When Kotaro refused his King Stone was shattered and he was thrown into space where the suns radiation mutated his King Stone and he mutated into Kamen Rider Black RX. With his...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Asian Action Drama, Asian Martial Arts Drama, Asian Tokusatsu Drama
Kamen Rider Gaim takes place in a certain booming city that a large corporation controls like a castle town from feudal days. Bored kids in this town begin to express themselves by participating in street dance. Among these kids there are some who use Lock Seeds in order to summon monsters called “Invase” to fight as a game. The Invase come from another world through a door that opens when...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Asian Tokusatsu Drama
Eight thousand years ago the Daos civilization flourished in Southern China. The civilization consisted of three tribes: the Dai the Shura the ancestors of todays humanity and the Gorma the military tribe; they lived harmoniously. However one day the Gorma Tribe decided to take over the empire and the world. Thus began the war between the Gorma and Dai tribes. The battle continued for...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Asian Tokusatsu Drama
Tokusou Robo Janperson 特捜ロボ ジャンパーソン Tokusō Robo Janpāson? was the 1993 installment in Toei Company Limiteds Metal Hero Series. The series revolved around Janperson a robotic detective who patrolled the streets of Tokyo and fought against three different underworld organizations who used super technology to subjugate the masses. Unlike most Metal Heroes a...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Asian Tokusatsu Drama
The Kamen Riders known as Oni battle man-eating beasts called Makamou with pure sound. One of the Oni a man named Hibiki ends up having a teacher-and-apprentice-like relationship with Asumu Adachi. A young boy unsure of himself and at a crossroads in his life as he transitions to high school Asumu learns to be an adult through watching Hibiki and the other Oni as they all train together...