Country: Japan
Genre: Human drama
Heisuke Sugita Kuranosuke Sasaki learns that his wife Naoko Hikari Ishida and daughter Monami Mirai Shida were involved in a car accident. Both women are hospitalized. Heisuke rushes to the hospital and learns both women are unconcious. The mother Naoko passes away but the daughter Monami regains consciousness. To Heisukes surprise he soon discovers that wifes spirit has taken form in...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama
Takahashi Erika a former secret spy for Japans Cabinet Intelligence and Research Office. One day she met an ordinary salaryman and his son and she ended up retiring and getting married to him while concealing her past. However a year later her former boss played by Sugimoto Tetta calls upon her to return to work so she begins leading a double life as a housewife and a...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy ; Fantasy ; Romance ; Based on a Comic
Young Atsuko Kagami comes into possession of a magical mirror that lets her transform into anything she wishes. Atsuko Kagami then attempts to save a company which is about to be sold by using her transformation abilities. She also falls in love as a 22-year-old college...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy ; Drama
Tsukiyama Kayo is an editor of a fashion magazine. Contrary to the glamorous image of the fashion industry Kayo always ends up doing work dumped on her by her younger colleagues. For the fifth year in a row she is spending her birthday alone at the office. One day chief editor Kawamura Ryoko says that the fashion magazine Kayo is in charge of will be suspended. She is thus transferred to the...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Fantasy
Pinon the boy who flows within his body the blood of the three races the Dragons the fairies and the humans is actually the son of the Courageous One Pietro. Pinons encounter with a mysterious animal Pap opens up the door to an adventurous journey. He befriends Luna and Marco on the way. However when he learns that his adventure will determine the fate of PoPoLoCrois Pinon hardens his...
Country: Japan
Genre: Romance
Sasamoto Sawa is a happily married housewife of 5 years who works part-time as a cashier at a supermarket. Takigawa Rikako is also a housewife who had recently moved into the neighborhood. Rikako is the wife of the editor of a huge publishing company and together with their 2 daughters they live in a newly constructed home. Even though they seemed like a nice happy family Rikako is actually...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Drama
‘Salaryman Cho Han Ji’ depicts the trial and tribulations of the average salaryman from humble beginnings to success. This drama portray the salaryman’s loneliness and isolation struggles sorrows hopes and successes in a realistic...
Country: United States
Genre: Musical
After enjoying a summer romance high school students Danny and Sandy are unexpectedly reunited when she transfers to Rydell High. There Sandy must contend with cynical Rizzo and the Pink Ladies in attempt to win Dannys heart...