Country: Japan
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Anime
The story set in Victorian Britain follows the adventures of 17-year-old Lydia Carlton nicknamed the Fairy Doctor due to her interest and understanding of fairies. Her life takes a 180-degree turn when she meets Edgar J.C Ashenbert the Legendary Blue Knight Earl and his crew on a sea voyage to London. Edgar hires her as an advisor during his quest to obtain a treasured sword that was...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Slice of Life, Supernatural, Anime
Young Ichiro Hanada lives with his parents and grandfather in a quiet rural town. He is a little brat who constantly teases his sister insults his mother fights with everybody and eats a lot.Ichiro has a near-death experience when he is hit by a truck and when he wakes up he can see and talk to spirits. The spirits of people who have just died but who cannot pass on yet seek him out. They...
Country: Japan
Genre: Slice of life story, Comedy, Anime
Anzu goes to a kindergarten with her friends the shy Koume and the eccentric Hiiragi. Together they try to attract attention from their caretaker Tsuchida. However he is clearly more interested in the pretty Yamamoto who supervises the class next door. Though Anzu tries a hard attempt to convince to marry Tsuchida when she grows up this is mentioned in episode 1 when Tsuchida saved her life...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Drama, Martial Arts, Anime
In the wastelands following the great nuclear war a legend grew of a man. “Hokuto No Ken.” The Fist of the North Star. Master of a legendary fighting technique. A man of impossible strength and endurance. Yet before Ken claimed the title of the Fist there was another master trained in the art of Hokuto Shinken the King of the Fist the Divine Fist of Heaven. Raoh: the ultimate assassin...
Country: United States, United Arab Emirates
Genre: Biography, Drama, Thriller
CIA operative Valerie Plame discovers her identity is allegedly leaked by the government as payback for an op-ed article her husband wrote criticizing the Bush...
Genre: Reality-TV
Gareth Malone searches for Britains most entertaining amateur singing group in a music contest with a difference - groups must sing a...
Genre: Action, Animation, Sci-Fi
300 years after the Calamity Wars end the powers which ruled the Earth Sphere have been overthrown giving way to new rulers of a new world exhausted of battle. Meanwhile far away on Mars the sparks which threaten to ignite a new war have been...