Country: Japan
Genre: Anime
is a black cat who reoccurs in the background of the anime and manga. She appears in every episode of the anime and randomly in the manga. Despite her level of recurrence Kuroneko-sama has had few instances of plot significance having stopped Wolfwood from cheating in a game of chess during Escape from Pain and when Vash is replaced by Kuroneko during Hang Fire. Nightow has stated that she...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, School, Shounen, Sports, Anime
The Teiko Middle School Basketball Team. The class that produced three perfect seasons in a row with five once-in-a generation players called The Generation of Miracles. There was another player who all of them respected... A legendary 6th player. An up-and-coming power player Taiga Kagami is just back from America. When he comes to Seirin High School he meets the super-ordinary boy...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Comedy, Demons, Fantasy, Shounen, Supernatural, Anime
In late-nineteenth century England one year and three months after the dramatic conclusion of the original series Kuroshitsuji II introduces a new butler and young master. The sadistic yet cheerful Alois Trancy has faced some harsh times. He was kidnapped as a baby and was forced to work in a village as a slave. Gradually he lost his parents his best friend and everyone he knew. Alois...