Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Mecha, Sci-Fi, Shounen
In the year 2005 a race of alien monsters called Zonders emerge from underground and launch a series of attacks on the city of Tokyo. The only defense against these creatures is the secret agency known as the Gutsy Geoid Guard or 3G and their ultimate weapon the awesome giant robot GaoGaiGar. GaoGaiGars pilot Guy Shishio is a former astronaut who was nearly killed two years before when...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Demons, Dub, Fantasy, Magic, Supernatural
The story of the anime begins when the kings adviser launches a witch hunt which endangers the Makai Knights and Makai Priests who are supposed to protect people. A Makai Priest who has been condemned to die at the stake gives birth to a child Leon Lewis. The child is rescued by his father a Makai Knight but never meets his mother. When he grows up he inherits the Gold Armor as a...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Super Power, Thriller, Dub
Will you kill someone you love because of love? The Japanese Ministry of Defense has an anti-paranormal special forces group called the Supernatural Disaster Prevention Office. They are the ones responsible to protect Japanese soil and its people from supernatural and paranormal events. However things didnt go so well in one of their...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Thriller, Dub
Gankutsuou is an anime loosely based on the novel The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas. It tells the story of Albert Morcerf a young aristocrat who happens to befriend a wealthy nobleman The Count of Monte Cristo through a series of bizarre events. Fascinated by the Counts charm Albert invites him to meet his friends and family all of whom happen to be part of the upper class...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Sci-Fi
Starting out with the new Galaxy Angel Chitose Karasuma the Angel Troupe continue their search for The Lost Technology while running into different kinds of...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Sci-Fi
Their mission is to locate and retrieve the mysterious Lost Technology even though these girls have never been known to stick to their mission. Milfeulle Forte Ranpha Mint and Vanilla are back for another round of hilarity. The Galaxy Angels have sworn to protect the galaxy one planet at a time. Now with some competition with the newly-formed Twin Star Brigade they continue to find...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Dub, Sci-Fi
The Angel Brigade an elite branch of the Transbaal Empire military are assigned to search for The Lost Technology mysterious items from the past that hold unknown powers. Led by the soon to retire Colonel Volcott O Huey the Angel Brigade travel to different planets using their specially designed Emblem Frame ships to search for Lost Technology. Unfortunately they usually mess up somehow...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Sci-Fi
In the far future the human race advanced to space and prospered. However Jikushin earthquake of time and space which occurred suddenly intercepted all networks and all the civilizations were reset. However the human race begins to revive and enters the prosperity age of The Second by the Transvaal imperial country which rises at the center of the galactic system. The science and...