Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Movie, Mystery, Super Power
The four members of Milky Holmes are going on a study tour. While soaking in the hot springs among snow monkeys alarms interrupt the relaxing environment! It was the work of the Thief Empire. A fierce battle between Milky Holmes and the Thief Empire begins with both sides using their Toys special powers. Furthermore with the arrival of the Genius 4 a three-way fight occurs! In the midst of...
Country: Japan
Genre: Music, School, Slice of Life, Special
New animation featuring a new song recording by the Shirahamazaka High School Chorus Club bundled with the BD Box...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Historical, Movie, Dub
Patterned after Japanese art and silk screens Taro The Dragon Boy is an animated feature about Japanese mythology and cultures focusing on Taro a young boy who has to make a voyage to a distant lake to save his mother who has been turned into a...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Historical, Movie
Patterned after Japanese art and silk screens Taro The Dragon Boy is an animated feature about Japanese mythology and cultures focusing on Taro a young boy who has to make a voyage to a distant lake to save his mother who has been turned into a...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Ecchi, Mecha, OVA, Sci-Fi
Nagisa is a schoolgirl with schoolgirl tendencies waking up late rushing off to school and meeting up with friends upon the way. One morning Nagisa comes across a woman dressed in a strange uniform who seems to stare at her unnerving Nagisa. Later that day whilst staring out the window Nagisa becomes aware of a ball bouncing by itself which flings itself towards her window seat shattering...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Ecchi, Mecha, OVA, Sci-Fi
The Iczer-1 OVA series received a movie cut after it was finished with some slight changes and few minutes of extra or reworked...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Martial Arts, Movie, Shounen
Set in a land where several martial arts styles collide including but not limited to Chinese Kung Fu Japanese Karate and South Korean Taekwondo. Yet amongst these Shaolin-trained fighters and men powerful enough to cut the face of a mountain Victory Ramenman is said to be the strongest of them all. At a young age he witnessed his father Somenman being murdered by members of the Cobra Gang...