Country: United Kingdom, United States
Genre: Drama, Romance
A young governess falls in love with her brooding and complex master. However his dark past may destroy their relationship...
Country: Japan
Genre: Mecha, Sci-Fi
Kananase Yu is just an ordinary high-school student. Since he has mysterious inside knowledge about piloting a mecha he is recruited by the International Military Organization as a potential test pilot for a new mobile armor. However apparently there are other young recruits around his age including one of his classmates were recruited as test pilot as well. Now Kananase Yu must prove that he...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi
In the near future technology has made a few leaps and bounds and videophones and constant wireless internet access are available to everyone. However it would seen that the government has been careless and a skilled hacker was able to break into the national information archive. Using the data held there he creates the Platonic Chain website for people to discover information about themselves...