Genre: Drama
Class 18 the notorious yakuza class in Wutong Middle School received a letter from their future selves one day. The letter accurately predicted what would happen to class 18 during their high school years and asked the students to complete three impossible missions to save their sick math teacher. To avoid the misfortunes written in the letter the bad kids called a truce and gradually...
Country: United Kingdom
Genre: Documentary, Short, Comedy
The modern world is constantly speeding up. But not for the Dull Mens Club - a group of men quite content with lifes more sedate...
Country: United States
Genre: Documentary
Sweet Remedy: The World Reacts to an Adulterated Food Supply: While aspartame was the single focus in Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World its sequel Sweet Remedy demonstrates that a...
Country: United States
Genre: Horror, Sci-Fi
When an atomic war on Mars destroys the planets women its up to Martian Princess Marcuzan and her right-hand man Dr. Nadir to travel to earth and kidnap women for new breeding stock....
Country: United Kingdom
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy
Phineas T Barnum and friends finance the first flight to the moon but find the task a little above them. They attempt to blast their rocket into orbit from a massive gun barrel built into...